Does Your Loved One Have Signs Of Addiction?

If you believe a friend or family member is struggling with an alcohol or drug problem, ask yourself if they:
Sees friends less often or attends fewer social events

Hangs out with a different group of people

Experience difficulties at school or work

Have started attending school or work sporadically

Have been borrowing or stealing money

Are in financial or legal trouble

Have trouble concentrating or appear confused

Suffer from mood swings

No longer seem interested in activities or hobbies they previously enjoyed

Seems drunk or “out of it” at various times

Have lost a lot of weight in a short period

Have glazed or red eyes, a runny nose, or a constant cough

Cannot explain recent bruises or marks

Are depressed and have very little energy

Should I Contact A Professional?

If you affirmatively responded to two or more of the preceding inquiries, it might be appropriate to seek guidance from the well-informed admissions experts at Bright Life Care Recovery Center. Remember, you are not navigating this journey alone. We will attentively listen to your apprehensions and assist in assessing whether your loved one faces a substance use issue. Allow us to support you in aiding someone in need

How To Help Someone Else With Addiction?

Although you might feel powerless, there are multiple ways you can support your loved one who is struggling with addiction

Offer Support

While you cannot alter the current situation, you can provide reassurance to your loved one that they are not navigating this journey alone. For individuals grappling with addiction, this sense of companionship is invaluable.

Embrace the fear of change. Listen attentively, without passing judgment, and validate their emotions. Allow them the necessary space to engage in this challenging process. As they progress through rehabilitation and embark on their recovery journey, speak optimistically about the future and extend hope during difficult moments

Stay Involved

If your loved one invites you to join family or group therapy, engage with an open perspective. Over time, you might even find yourself willing to openly share your emotions.

This level of active involvement and transparency enables your loved one to gain deeper insight into how their addiction impacts those in their circle. Moreover, it demonstrates your unwavering support for their recovery, as you invest time and effort in being part of the solution


At times, rehabilitation programs include a blackout period, during which patients are isolated and unable to communicate with anyone outside the treatment center. Once this period ends, don’t hesitate to reconnect with your loved one.

However, communication during recovery can be tricky, as seemingly harmless conversations may escalate into heated arguments. Some individuals experience intense anxiety about what to say to someone in rehab, leading them to avoid contact altogether, which can contribute to feelings of isolation.

To bridge this gap, find a communication approach that suits both of you. Consider using a mediator if necessary, or start with supportive texts or emails before progressing to phone calls and in-person visitsExpress your unwavering support and ensure your loved one knows they are not alone

Trust with Mindfulness

Cultivate and uphold trust consistently during this journey. It’s natural to remain vigilant, searching for warning signs.

Recognize that you’re beginning anew, and exercise caution to avoid reverting to previous detrimental patterns. Engage in conversations about trust concerns with your personal support network, therapist, or a trusted confidant

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Phoenix, Az
5060 N. 19th Av Suite 317
Phoenix, AZ 85015

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