Responding to Emotions in Healthy Ways - ppt download

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Do Now How many different emotions have you had so far today (or yesterday/during the weekend)? List as many feelings as you can remember and write a few words to describe when and why you felt that way. Put a + or - sign next to the emotions that felt pleasant/good or unpleasant/difficult/uncomfortable for you to experience.
Responding to Emotions in Healthy Ways
Aim: What are some healthy ways to express and share emotions
How many different emotions have you had so far today (or yesterday/during the weekend) List as many feelings as you can remember and write a few words to describe when and why you felt that way. Put a + or - sign next to the emotions that felt pleasant/good or unpleasant/difficult/uncomfortable for you to experience.
You can share some of the motions from the personal list you wrote in the beginning of class, or suggest others that you think most teens experience.
One of the characteristics of emotionally healthy people is that they can experience a wide range of emotions and express them in healthy ways. Some feelings, such as happiness, excitement or gratitude, are easy for most people to experience. Other feelings, such as anger, fear, or sadness, may be more difficult for many people to experience. Sometimes people label feelings as good or bad , but all of these different feelings are part of human experience.
Circle any emotions that you do not understand. Should we add some of these emotions to the list of common feelings that teenagers may experience
Think about what emotions you might have in response to each of these situations. You can use the Emotion Words list to help you better identify possible emotions in each situation.
It is natural to feel happy when you accomplish a goal or have something positive happen in your life. It is natural to feel sad when you lose something or someone you care about. It is natural to feel angry or hurt if you feel you or people you love have been treated unfairly. Feeling afraid can be a clue that you’re in danger or need to be careful. Throughout your life, different events and situations will trigger different emotional responses. Whether you experience an emotion as pleasant or unpleasant, good or difficult, identifying those emotions through words can help you and others better understand your feelings. Feelings themselves aren’t good or bad, healthy or unhealthy. It’s how people choose to respond to and express their feelings that matters.
How do people express their emotions What kinds of clues help you know what a person is feeling People express their emotions through facial expressions, body movements, their tone of voice, and what they say or do. There may be some emotions that you don’t pick up on right away, but, in general, we can often tell when a person is basically feeling happy, sad, angry or afraid.
Which emotions do you think are easiest for other people to receive, accept, or respond to Which emotions do you think are more difficult Feelings that are pleasant or easy to experience are usually expressed in ways that are easy for others to receive. (i.e. ppl tend to respond + to a smile, laugh) Feelings that are less pleasant or more difficult to experience may be expressed in ways that are harder for other people to receive or that can lead to conflict or even violence. Everyone has difficult feelings at times. It isn’t bad or wrong to have these feelings. They’re normal, and most people experience them. But you can learn to express and respond to them in healthy ways that won’t harm yourself or others.
With a partner, brainstorm both healthy and unhealthy ways a person might express or respond to a particular emotion. Healthy. Unhealthy. Notice what you’re feeling. Ignore the feeling. Find someone to talk to. Keep it bottled up. Laugh, dance, clap hands, etc. Isolate yourself. Cry in private or w/ someone. Express it violently. Take a break to cool down. Lash out at someone. Move your body / Exercise. Eat to feel better. Write in a journal. Alcohol / Drugs. Punch a pillow or soft object. Criticize / Blame others.
Hurting someone emotionally. Losing friends. Getting in trouble w/ family or adults. Getting in trouble w/ the law. Being stressed out. Gaining/losing weight from eating/not eating. Becoming physically ill from bottling up emotions. Expressing or responding to difficult emotions in unhealthy ways can be hurtful to yourself or others, either right away or over time. This doesn’t mean that you can’t or won’t do these things once in a while, especially if the difficult emotions are strong. But you can learn ways to express or respond to your feelings that will be healthier options.
IDENTIFY THE FEELINGS: This is the 1st step in expressing your feelings in healthy ways. You need to become aware of your feelings and know what they are so you can take the best steps to respond and express them to others. FIND SOMEONE TO TALK TO: Sometimes all you need is someone to listen to how you feel. Talking about your feelings with someone you trust can help you understand why you’re having the feelings and figure out what to do to express them in a way that’s constructive and healthy. BE PHYSICALLY ACTIVE: Moving your body and doing something active can help you work off your feelings. Take a walk, run, work out, or any physical activity that you enjoy. KEEP A JOURNAL: Writing about your feelings can help you understand and express them. You don’t have to show anyone what you write. You could also write a poem, song, create a dance, paint, draw, or do any other creative action.
LET YOURSELF CRY: Sometimes strong feelings can make you want to cry. Crying can help relieve the feelings, and most people feel better after they cry. Find a safe or private place, or be with a person you trust, and let yourself cry if you need to. TAKE A BREAK & COOL DOWN: Sometimes you need to step away from the situation that’s causing the strong feelings. Especially when you feel angry or upset, it can be good to walk away until you feel calmer. Breathe deeply, tense and relax your muscles, or close your eyes and visualize a calm and peaceful place. TRY TO KEEP A SENSE OF HUMOR: Humor can be a great way to change how you feel. Think of something funny that makes you laugh, or share a joke with a friend. Sometimes you can even find the humor in the situation that’s causing the strong feelings.
Which ones do you think you might try in the future Why is it important to take responsibility for expressing and responding to emotions in healthy ways Everyone experiences emotions, and sometimes those feelings can be difficult or even overwhelming. You can’t always control how you feel, and it’s actually a sign a positive emotional health to have a wide range of emotions. But you always have a choice about how you’ll express or respond to your emotions. You can choose to do this in healthy or unhealthy ways. Being aware of your feelings and finding ways to express them that don’t hurt yourself or others is part of being a responsible and emotionally healthy person.
Now you’ll have a chance to describe how to express some emotions in both healthy and unhealthy ways --- make sure you write different ways to express each emotion --- and describe a strategy you can use to help you deal with strong emotions. Complete the Expressing Emotions worksheet. It will be collected at the end of the period. HOMEWORK: STUDY FOR QUIZ ON THURSDAY. (Positive ways to cope with stress, Body’s response to stress, define: stress, stressors, resiliency, internal and external locus of control, optimism, pessimism, and Stress Management Techniques)

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