Are there any bodybuilders (past or present) that had a chest as big as Arnold's or close to as big? - Quora

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Which bodybuilder had the most impressive shoulder muscles? - Quora

Would Arnold have had the greatest chest of all the Olympia winners had he been born in the modern era with current training methods and performance enhancers? - Quora

Was Arnold Schwarzenegger only big because he was on steroids? - Quora

Did Arnold Schwarzenegger have unusually broad shoulders and an unusually large rib cage partly because he took steroids as a teenager? - Quora

Was Arnold Schwarzenegger only big because he was on steroids? - Quora

Who did Arnold Schwarzenegger see as his biggest bodybuilding rival? - Quora

Are there any bodybuilders (past or present) that had a chest as big as Arnold's or close to as big? - Quora

Does bodybuilding actually make a person stronger or does it just help a person's body get in good shape? - Quora

At what age was Arnold Schwarzenegger considered to be at his best shape? - Quora

What is the most amount of weight that Arnold Schwarzenegger ever lifted in his life, and what was it? - Quora

Is Dwayne The Rock a better body builder than Arnold Schwarzenegger? - Quora

Was Arnold Schwarzenegger ripped or bulky as a pro bodybuilder? - Quora

Who is or was the biggest bodybuilder ever? - Quora

What type of physique did Arnold Schwarzenegger used to have? - Quora