How do tanks get refueled in war? - Quora

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Do soldiers ever ride on top of a tank when it is unsafe/faster to do so? Or do they remain behind it? - Quora

Could tanks be smaller and lighter like armored personnel carriers (APCs)? - Quora

Have light armored cars beaten tanks in combat? - Quora

Are tanks still necessary on the modern battlefield? Didn't we witness the last great tank battle during the 1st Iraq War? - Quora

How were German tanks refuelled on the Eastern front? Did anything change after the loss at Stalingrad? - Quora

Is aerial refueling really necessary in the age of aircraft carriers? - Quora

What was the most common German WW2 tank? - Quora

How were German tanks refuelled on the Eastern front? Did anything change after the loss at Stalingrad? - Quora

What distance can a Russian tank cover without refueling? What kind of fuel do they use? - Quora

What are some of the most obscure, least-well known, yet effective or economical armored fighting vehicles of WW2? - Quora

If you had to bring one tank to a medieval battle with the goal of inflicting as many casualties as possible, what tank would you bring? - Quora

If the Nazis had been able to mass produce the Tiger II and Panther tanks in 1939, would they have won the war? - Quora

Are electric tanks possible? - Quora